Welcome to Florida.
Historia original
My name is {~Name~} I am a lifelong{~location 1~}and relocated to {~location 2~} 3 years ago. I never thought in my most horrific Nightmares that I would have a devastating story like this to tell. But now I do and this is my {~location 2~} life. Welcome to {~location 2~}. The land of delusion. I have been trying to file a lawsuit for the following abuse and mental/psychological cruelty that has happened to me since relocating to this God forsaken state: -False Imprisonment -Medical Malpractice/Medical Negligence -Defamation of Character -Falsafying Records I have been trying to file these claims against {~Mental Institution Name~} in {~location 2~}. I have been working with {~Name 2~} of {~Organization Name ~} since last year regarding ordering a site inspection against this facility due to all the violations they committed that have gone unnoticed and undocumented from the inspection done by {~Agency Name~} Please see below for an outline of what has occurred: ========================== {~Date~}: Followed up on my rape kit done at the {~Rape Crisis Center Name ~} a few weeks prior with the policewoman assigned to my case, {~Name 3~}. I went to the precinct to speak to her because I missed her call and they told me she was going to come to me later that day. {~Name 3~} of the {~Name of Department~} came to my apartment later that day with 2 other policemen/women, bullied and forced me out of my home, {~Name 4~} Acted me and sent me to {~Psych Ward Name~} via ambulance and restraints. I was told by all 3 police that {~Hospital Name~}was going to examine me and look into why my stomach was so enlarged. I was kept at {~Psych Ward Name~} all night. No one examined me nor did the ask about my stomach issues or my vaginal soreness from being REPEATEDLY raped. I was then taken by ambulance in the middle of the night to {~Mental Institution Name 2~}. All of this was STRONGLY AGAINST MY WILL. {~Date 2~}: 1st day at {~Mental Institution Name 2~}: --Violently ill and throwing up nonstop from the medication, which they stated they had no record of the next day in their charts, I was then given a shot in the buttocks because I refused the medication that made me ill and then reacted terribly from the shot, jumping out of my skin for a straight 24 hours. --Complained of my vaginal soreness throughout my 2 week stay due to being repeatedly raped and no medicine was given to me for this, I was completely ignored. --Was unable to shower for days due to lack of towels --Badgered/Harrassed by another drunk patient who threw her dirty diaper in my room in the middle of the night and frightened me. When I complained to staff about this nothing was done. ---Changed my medication the first time with a new medication which caused my tongue to swell up, was unable to talk the entire day/evening. --{~Psychiatrist~} who was assigned to me decided to change my medication again throughout my 2 week stay which made me more anxious, feeling like I was going to have panic attacks. She then decided to give me an injection to treat skyzophrenia in my left arm. I am NOT SKYZOPHRENIC. My left arm blew up and was very achy. She wanted to keep me for an additional 4 days after that to give me the second injection so I then petitioned the court to be discharged with the help of the public defender, {~Public Defender~}. {~Public Defender~} never mentioned anything about the mandatory 72 hour hold for {~Legal~}Acts, as I was already kept against my will for nearly 2 weeks before reaching out to him for assistance. I Learned that on the police report {~Name 3~} stated false 911 calls. THIS IS A BLATANT LIE and the report was falsified. I followed up on a rape kit and responded to {~Name 3's~} call ONLY WHEN SHE CALLED ME. {~Date 3~} Discharged from {~Mental Institution Name 2~} I was traumatized for a week after being discharged. I was unable to drive or leave my house due to constant panic attacks. To this day I still baracade my front door with 3 dining room chairs due to lack of protection from the police, as my rapist is still at large. In addition to this, I was told the police threw out my Rape Case due to insufficient information. REGARDING THE INSPECTION FROM {~Agency Name~}: It was 7 months from point of complaint sent to the field office for them to inspect. We are no longer in COVID so this does not make sense why it took so long. I was held for 10 days with no hearing and no sign of voluntary admission. There is no evidence in the medical records that a petition was even requested per law. This is CLEARLY false imprisonment! I have been continually suffering from PTSD, Nightmares & Panic Attacks since this horrific incident has occurred. I am seeing a Psychiatrist and have been prescribed 3 psychotropic drugs to help assist in my suffering. I have already called 20{~Location 2~} ATTORNEYS & 10 {~Location 1~}ATTORNEYS since last year to try and seek justice however no one is willing to take on my case. I have been walking around for nearly 3 years carrying all this pain of sexual and emotional trauma and there are days that destroy my peace so much that I get physically ill. I have several health issues that have developed since relocating to {~Location 2~} and Doctors that are unable to cure me. I am grateful for the few people I have in my life who offer support and so happy yo have this platform to assist in my healing. Thank you for listening. ❤️